Campus Recreation offers extracurricular opportunities for students with physical disabilities because physical activity and social health both play an important role in college life. The goals of the adapted recreation program are
- to introduce students to lifelong leisure skills and
- to promote total participation in college life.
Workout Buddy Program
Adapted recreation welcomes currently enrolled Temple University students to participate in the Workout Buddy Program. The mission of the Workout Buddy Program is to introduce students with disabilities to various sports and exercises in order to improve strength, flexibility and weight control. Having assistance may increase the efficiency of the workout time as well as create a fun experience for the buddies who work out together. No prior experience is necessary. You will be provided instruction and assistance for the following activities.
- Tandem walking/jogging
- Handcycling
- Aquatics
- Weight training
- Cardiovascular conditioning
- Rock climbing
- Transfer assistance
Student support is available to assist with transferring upon prior notification. Equipment is available at the IBC Student Rec Center specifically for students with disabilities, including weight conditioning machines and a power trainer.
Additional Opportunities
Throughout the year, additional events may be offered that seek to highlight the abilities of the diverse population here at Temple University. Such activities may include tennis clinics, swimming, rowing, road racing and handcycling. Tandem biking is also available for visually impaired students. Rules and equipment will be adapted for all events in order to enable participation for all. We encourage students to provide us with suggestions on the types of activities they wish to have on campus.

For more information on Adapted Recreation or to suggest future activities, contact Anne Wilkinson at 215-204-4783 or