Program Requirements

General Program Requirements:
Number of Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate:

  • 36 for those who hold NCTRC national certification (see Course Sequence A).
  • 36 plus 3 credits of Recreational Therapy-specific leveling coursework for those without NCTRC national certification (see Course Sequence B). Note that other supportive coursework may be required to sit for the national credentialing examination for therapeutic recreation specialist certification. Specialization electives can be used to meet advanced certification from NCTRC after one year of full-time employment as a recreational therapist.

Required Courses:

Course Sequence A (for those with NCTRC national certification)

HRPR 5001Current and Emerging Issues in Public Health and Health Professions 10
A1: Required Core Graduate Courses
RCTH 5001Graduate Research I in Recreational Therapy 23
RCTH 5102Recreational Therapy: Now and Then 23
RCTH 5301Evidence Based Practice in Recreational Therapy I 23
RCTH 5302Evidence Based Practice in Recreational Therapy II 33
RCTH 5311Conceptual and Contemporary Issues in Recreational Therapy 33
RCTH 5312Leisure, Health, and Recreational Therapy Interventions 33
RCTH 5402Recreational Therapy Administration and Management 33
RCTH 5442Program Planning and Practice in Recreational Therapy 23
A2: Electives
Select four of the following based on interests/needs:12
HRPR 8985
Teaching in Higher Education: Health Professions
RCTH 5009
Entrepreneurship in the Health Professions 4
RCTH 5204
Recreational Therapy and Assistive Technology 5
RCTH 5205
Recreational Therapy in Geriatric Services 4
RCTH 5212
Play and Pediatric Development 4
RCTH 5214
Child Life Interventions 5
RCTH 5250
Special Topics in Recreational Therapy
RCTH 5314
Leisure-time Physical Activity and Community Engagement in Recreational Therapy
RCTH 5315
Social Engagement and Community Participation in Recreational Therapy 5
RCTH 5382
Independent Study
Total Credit Hours36

This core course is required of all graduate students in the College of Public Health. It is available completely online and designed such that students can complete the modules at their own pace over the course of their degree program.


This course is offered in the Fall semester.


This course is offered in the Spring semester.


This course is offered every other Fall semester.


This course is offered every other Spring semester.

Course Sequence B (for those without NCTRC national certification)

HRPR 5001Current and Emerging Issues in Public Health and Health Professions 10
B1: Required Leveling/Supportive Undergraduate Courses 2
KINS 1221Principles of Anatomy and Physiology I3
PSY 2201Foundations of Psychopathology3
PSY 2301Foundations of Developmental Psychology3
RCTH 3096Assessment and Documentation in Recreational Therapy3
Additional credits in the content areas of social sciences and humanities.9
B2: Required Core Graduate Courses
RCTH 5001Graduate Research I in Recreational Therapy 43
RCTH 5102Recreational Therapy: Now and Then 43
RCTH 5301Evidence Based Practice in Recreational Therapy I 43
RCTH 5302Evidence Based Practice in Recreational Therapy II 53
RCTH 5311Conceptual and Contemporary Issues in Recreational Therapy 53
RCTH 5312Leisure, Health, and Recreational Therapy Interventions 53
RCTH 5402Recreational Therapy Administration and Management 53
RCTH 5442Program Planning and Practice in Recreational Therapy 43
RCTH 5787Recreational Therapy Practicum 33
B3: Electives
Select three of the following based on interests/needs:9
RCTH 5009
Entrepreneurship in the Health Professions 6
RCTH 5204
Recreational Therapy and Assistive Technology 7
RCTH 5205
Recreational Therapy in Geriatric Services 6
RCTH 5212
Play and Pediatric Development 6
RCTH 5214
Child Life Interventions 7
RCTH 5250
Special Topics in Recreational Therapy
RCTH 5261
Disability Seminar on Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Conditions 4
RCTH 5271
Disability Seminar on Physical and Neurological Health Conditions 5
RCTH 5314
Leisure-time Physical Activity and Community Engagement in Recreational Therapy
RCTH 5315
Social Engagement and Community Participation in Recreational Therapy 7
RCTH 5382
Independent Study
Total Credit Hours36

This core course is required of all graduate students in the College of Public Health. It is available completely online and designed such that students can complete the modules at their own pace over the course of their degree program.


Depending on one's undergraduate major, some requirements may have already been completed. These credits do not count toward the MS credit totals, but are needed in order to be eligible to sit for the NCTRC certification exam (see The MS Program Coordinator reviews official transcript(s) and identifies any coursework needed. Any uncompleted requirements may be taken at an institution other than Temple University, with approval of the MS Program Coordinator. All required leveling/supportive undergraduate coursework must be completed by the time the student has accrued 15 credits in the MS program at Temple University. 


RCTH 5787 Recreational Therapy Practicum is a 560-hour field placement experience under the supervision of a full-time Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) at an approved agency site. The student works with a faculty advisor in the selection of a site for this experience. RCTH 5787 is designed to meet NCTRC internship requirements for eligibility to sit for the NCTRC certification exam.


This course is offered in the Fall semester.


This course is offered in the Spring semester.


This course is offered every other Fall semester.


This course is offered every other Spring semester.

Minimum Grade to be Earned for All Required Courses: B-

Culminating Event: Successful completion of coursework constitutes the culminating event for the MS in Recreational Therapy.