Questions about accessibility at Temple should be directed to your school or college’s Accessibility Liaison. These individuals are responsible for coordinating the accessibility remediation and compliance efforts for their respective areas. Additionally, liaisons evaluate the accessibility of information and technology during the purchasing process and work with budget unit heads to prioritize projects and allocate funding for accessibility initiatives. 

General questions about accessibility that are not under the jurisdiction of a school or college should be directed to either Brent Whiting via email or by calling 267.468.8380 (3.8380 on campus).

The following is a list of Accessibility Liaisons from each school and college:
School/College/Campus Accessibility Liaison
Harrisburg Campus Yin Wah Kreher

Center for the Performing and Cinematic Arts

Sandra James

College of Public Health

Eileen Aitken

College of Liberal Arts

Marc Getty

College of Science and Technology

Vinodh Ganesan

Kornberg School of Dentistry

Carlos Echeverri

College of Education

Lori Bailey

College of Engineering

Michael Kalai

Fox School of Business
School of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Vikram Singh

Beasley School of Law

Shyam Nair


Steven Bell

School of Medicine

Tom Fanrak

School of Pharmacy

Michael Borenstein

School of Podiatric Medicine

Bob Gallagher

Klein College of Media and Communication

Rob Velez

Students with a disability who need an accommodation should contact the University’s Disability Resources and Services Department. Employees should contact the University’s Human Resources Department. Individuals who feel they have not been accommodated appropriately, or who are having difficulty with their accommodation, should speak with their dean or contact the office of Equal Opportunity Compliance to speak with an ombudsperson.

The ADA Coordinator for Temple University is Andrea Seiss, Title IX Coordinator, ADA Coordinator.