Program Requirements

General Program Requirements:
Number of Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate: 42

Required Courses:

College Core Course
HRPR 5001Current and Emerging Issues in Public Health and Health Professions0
Public Health Core Courses
ENVH 5004Environmental Health1.5
EPBI 5006Biostatistics and Applied Analysis of Health4.5
EPBI 5201Epidemiological Research Methods I3
HPM 5006Political and Economic Aspects of Health3
SBS 5001Fundamentals of Public Health3
SBS 5002Program Planning, Theory, and Practice3
Epidemiology Core Courses
EPBI 8012Multivariable Biostatistics3
EPBI 8202Epidemiological Research Methods II3
EPBI 8205Chronic Disease Epidemiology3
or EPBI 8206 Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Epidemiology Elective 1
Select one from the following:3
ENVH 8207
Environmental Epidemiology
EPBI 5205
Surveillance, Epidemics and Outbreaks
EPBI 8011
Social Epidemiology
EPBI 8207
Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology
EPBI 8209
Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
EPBI 8213
Cancer Epidemiology
Electives 2
Select two from the following:6
EPBI 5003
Spatial Analysis in Public Health
EPBI 5204
Mental Health Epidemiology
EPBI 5206
Risk Assessment and Preparedness Decision Making
EPBI 5500
Seminar in Current Issues in Public Health 3
EPBI 8301
Clinical Research Methods in Public Health
EPBI 8303
Behavioral Epidemiology
EPBI 8307
Systematic Reviews
MPH Fieldwork Experience
EPBI 9289MPH Fieldwork I3
EPBI 9389MPH Fieldwork II3
Total Credit Hours42

Other electives may be taken with approval.


Courses not taken to fulfill the Epidemiology elective above may be selected to fulfill one or both of these general electives. Other electives may be taken with approval.


Approval required.

Minimum Grade to be Earned for All Required Courses: B-

Culminating Events:
Fieldwork Practicum:
Students are required to synthesize and integrate the knowledge acquired in coursework and other learning experiences and to apply theory and principles in a situation that approximates some aspect of professional practice through an internship or practicum experience with a public health agency, health services organization, or under the supervision of a faculty preceptor. The MPH fieldwork experience serves as the applied practice experience as required by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), the accrediting body for schools and programs of public health, for completion of the Master of Public Health degree. In addition, this applied practice experience provides the student with the opportunity to develop expertise in a topic area and to contribute original and independent observations to a body of knowledge.

Evaluative Paper:
For the applied practice experience to fulfill the requirements of EPBI 9289 and EPBI 9389, MPH in Epidemiology students are expected to complete a fieldwork experience. The required deliverable for the MPH fieldwork requirement is a final evaluative paper. Students must demonstrate their proficiency and the application of theory and principles in the paper.