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Science & Technology

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ProgramS Of Study

Applied Mathematics
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Biology with Teaching
B.S., Biochemistry
B.S., Biophysics
B.S., Neuroscience – Cellular & Molecular
5-Yr Programs
B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Chemistry with Teaching
B.S., Biochemistry
5-Yr Programs
B.A. or B.S./M.A.
B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
Computer Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
Minor, Digital Media Technologies
B.S., Mathematics/Computer Science with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics & Computer Science
5-Yr Programs
B.A. or B.S./M.S. IST
B.S./M.S. CS
Digital Media Technologies
Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Earth & Space Science with Teaching
5-Yr Programs
   B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
Information Science and Technology
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
Minor, Digital Media Technologies
5-Yr Programs
B.A. or B.S./M.S. IST
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Applied Mathematics
B.S., Mathematics/Computer Science with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics with Teaching
B.A., Mathematical Economics
B.S., Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Mathematics & Physics
5-Yr Programs
   B.A. or B.S./M.A.
   B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
Mathematics & Computer Science
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Mathematics/Computer Science with Teaching
Mathematics & Physics
Bachelor of Science
Natural Sciences
Bachelor of Arts
Related Programs
B.S., General Science with Teaching
Neuroscience – Cellular & Molecular
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Biophysics
B.S., Physics with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics & Physics
5-Yr Programs
   B.A. or B.S./M.A.
   B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
TUteach Programs
B.S., Biology with Teaching
B.S., Chemistry with Teaching
B.S., Earth & Space Science with Teaching
B.S., General Science with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics/Computer Science with Teaching
B.S., Physics with Teaching
3+N Programs
Physical Therapy

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  Academic Programs / Science & Technology


Dr. Edward Letzter, Chair

Dr. Boris Datskovsky, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Wachman Hall, Room 632

Mathematics majors may select either the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) program or the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) program.

The B.A. program is intended for those students who plan to seek employment in a mathematics-related field upon graduation. The program lays a solid mathematical foundation through its required courses and gives students an opportunity to pursue their mathematical interests through the choice of three electives. Several potential tracks include:

1) Students interested in teaching mathematics at a high school level should choose Math 3003: Theory of Numbers, Math 3061: Modern Geometry I, and Math 3032: Mathematical Statistics, as their electives.

2) Students interested in applied mathematics should choose from Math 3043: Numerical Analysis I, Math 3044: Numerical Analysis II, Math 3032: Mathematical Statistics, and Math 4043: Applied Mathematics.

3) Students interested in actuarial science or finance should choose Math 3043: Numerical Analysis I, Math 3032: Mathematical Statistics, and Math 4033: Probability Theory II. 

Other choices of electives are also possible. Students who are interested in teaching mathematics at a high school after graduation should seriously consider the B.S. in Mathematics With Teaching program. This program provides solid mathematical foundation and pedagogical training necessary for success as a high school teacher and satisfies Pennsylvania’s teacher certification requirements.

The B.S. degree is intended for those students who plan to pursue a graduate degree in mathematics or a mathematics-related field or are interested in learning mathematics in more depth. It is a more challenging alternative for the stronger math students.

Either program can be combined with the department’s M.A. program leading to an M.A. degree after five years of study.

The department offers joint programs with the Department of Physics and the Department of Computer and Information Science leading to a B.S. degree and a joint program with the Department of Economics leading to a B.A. degree. Students who wish to pursue careers as secondary math teachers may also choose a five-year interdisciplinary program, offered jointly with the College of Education, that leads to a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, a Master’s degree in Education, and teacher certification.


Bachelor of Arts


Summary of Requirements for the Degree


1. University Requirements (123 total s.h.)

  • Math 0701 (4 s.h.) and/or English 0701 (4 s.h.), if required by placement testing.
  • All Temple students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses at Temple as part of their major. Following is a list of courses that can be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement: Math 2196, Math 3096, or Math 4096.
  • Students must complete the General Education (GenEd) requirements.
    • The General Education Curriculum consists of approximately 25-26 s.h.  See the General Education section of the Undergraduate Bulletin for the GenEd curriculum.

2. College Requirements

  • 90 credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA).
  • 45 Upper Level (2000+) credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA).
  • Two (2) Upper Level (2000+) Liberal Art courses.
  • Second (2nd) Level of a Foreign Language (1002).

3. Major Requirements for Bachelor of Arts (54 s.h.)

  • One (1) Computer & Information Science course is required (4 s.h.): CIS 1053, 1057 or 1068.
  • Thirteen (13) Mathematics courses are required (42 s.h.): Mathematics 1041, 1042, 2043, 2101, 2196, 3031, 3096, 3137, 3138, 4096 and 3 Mathematics electives at the 3000 level or above.
  • Two (2) Physics courses are required (8 s.h.): Physics 1061 or 2021 and 1062 or 2022.

Suggested Semester by Semester Plan


Year 1 - Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute


Calculus I
Honors Calculus I





Programming in Matlab
Computer Programming in C
Program Design & Abstraction


General Education / Elective Credits     7  
Subtotal     15  
Year 1 - Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute


Calculus II
Honors Calculus II

Physics 1061 Elementary Classical Physics I 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     7  
Subtotal     15  
Year 2 - Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 2043 Calculus III 4  
Mathematics 2101 Linear Algebra 3  
Physics 1062 Elementary Classical Physics II 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     4  
Subtotal     15  
Year 2 - Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 2196 Basic Mathematical Concepts 3 WI
Mathematics 3031 Probability Theory I 3  
General Education / Elective Credits     10  
Subtotal     16  
Year 3 - Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 3137 Real & Complex Analysis I (F) 3  
Mathematics   3000+ Math Elective 3  
General Education / Elective Credits     9  
Subtotal     15  
Year 3 - Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 3096 Introduction to Modern Algebra (S) 3 WI
Mathematics 3138 Real & Complex Analysis II (S) 3  
Mathematics   3000+ Math Elective 3  
General Education / Elective Credits     6  
Subtotal     15  
Year 4 - Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics   3000+ Math Elective 3  
General Education / Elective Credits     13  
Subtotal     16  
Year 4 - Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 4096 Senior Problem Solving (S) 3 WI
General Education / Elective Credits     13  
Subtotal     16  
Credits in Coursework for B.A. in Mathematics 54  
General Education / Elective Credits 69  
Total Credits for B.A. Degree 123  


(F) - Fall only course.

(S) - Spring only course.


Bachelor of Science


Summary of Requirements for the Degree


1. University Requirements (123 total s.h.)

  • Math 0701 (4 s.h.) and/or English 0701 (4 s.h.), if required by placement testing.
  • All Temple students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses at Temple as part of their major. Following is a list of courses that can be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement: Math 2196, Math 3098 or Math 4096.
  • Students must complete the General Education (GenEd) requirements.
    • The General Education Curriculum consists of approximately 25-26 s.h.  See the General Education section of the Undergraduate Bulletin for the GenEd curriculum.

2. College Requirements

  • 90 credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA).
  • 45 Upper-Level (2000+) credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA).

3. Major Requirements for Bachelor of Science (65 s.h.)

  • One (1) Computer & Information Science course is required (4 s.h.): CIS 1053, 1057 or 1068.
  • Sixteen (16) Mathematics courses are required (53 s.h.): Mathematics 1041, 1042, 2043, 3031, 3045, 3051, 3098, 3101, 3141, 3142, 4051, 4096 and four (4) Mathematics electives at the 3000+level or above.  NOTE: Math 2196 can count for one of the Math 3000+ electives, provided it is taken prior to Math 3098 and Math 3141.
  • Two (2) Physics courses are required (8 s.h.): Physics 1061 or 2021 and 1062 or 2022.

Suggested Semester by Semester Plan


Year 1 - Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute




Programming in Matlab
Computer Programming in C
Program Design & Abstraction




Calculus I
Honors Calculus I

Physics 1061 Elementary Classical Physics I 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     4  
Subtotal     16  
Year 1 - Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute


Calculus II
Honors Calculus II

Physics 1062 Elementary Classical Physics II 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     7  
Subtotal     15  
Year 2 - Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 2043 Calculus III 4  
Mathematics 3045 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (F) 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     8  
Subtotal     16  
Year 2 - Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 3031 Probability Theory I 3  
Mathematics 3051 Theoretical Linear Algebra (S) 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     8  
Subtotal     15  
Year 3 - Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 3098 Modern Algebra (F) 3 WI
Mathematics 3141 Advanced Calculus I (F) 3  
Mathematics   3000+ Math Elective 3  
General Education / Elective Credits     6  
Subtotal     15  
Year 3 - Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 3101 Topics in Modern Algebra (S) 3  
Mathematics 3142 Advanced Calculus II (S) 3  
Mathematics   3000+ Math Elective 3  
General Education / Elective Credits     6  
Subtotal     15  
Year 4 - Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 4051 Complex Analysis (F) 3  
Mathematics   3000+ Math Elective 3  
General Education / Elective Credits     10  
Subtotal     16  
Year 4 - Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
Mathematics 4096 Senior Problem Solving (S) 3 WI
Mathematics   3000+ Math Elective 3  
General Education / Elective Credits     9  
Subtotal     15  
Credits in Coursework for B.S. in Mathematics 65  
General Education / Elective Credits 58  
Total Credits for B.S. Degree 123  



Intercollegial B.A. Degree in Mathematical Economics

Dr. Edward Letzter, Chair, Mathematics

Dr. Boris A. Datskovsky, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Mathematics
Wachman Hall, Room 632


Dr. William J. Stull, Chair, Economics

Dr. Dimitrios Diamantaras, Advisor, Economics
Ritter Annex 623

The Departments of Economics and Mathematics offer the Mathematical Economics program as a platform for systematic concentration in the mathematical approach to economics. Economics has progressed in the last several decades by making extensive use of mathematical techniques. As a result, students who wish to pursue graduate study in economics, finance, accounting and other disciplines that make an extensive use of economics need a thorough grounding in both economics and mathematics. The Mathematical Economics curriculum provides this grounding with a broad selection of courses that cover all important areas of economics and the mathematical tools required for a critical, deep mastery of these areas. This program is especially recommended for those students who intend to pursue graduate studies in Economics. The program and its requirements are described in full in the "Intercollegial Programs" section of this Bulletin.


B.S. Degree in Applied Mathematics

Dr. Edward Letzter, Chair, Mathematics

Dr. Boris Datskovsky, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Mathematics


The program is administered by the department of Mathematics. For further discussion of the major requirements, please see Applied Mathematics in this Bulletin.


Interdisciplinary B.S. Degree in Mathematics & Computer Science

Dr. Jie Wu, Chair, Computer & Information Science

Dr. Anthony Hughes, Undergraduate Faculty Advisor, Mathematics & Computer Science


Dr. Edward Letzter, Chair, Mathematics

Dr. Boris Datskovsky, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Mathematics


The interdisciplinary program is jointly administered by the departments of Mathematics and Computer & Information Science. For further discussion of the Interdisciplinary major requirements, please see Mathematics & Computer Science in this Bulletin.

Interdisciplinary B.S. Degree in Mathematics & Physics

Dr. Tao Rongjia, Chair, Physics

Dr. Zbigniew Dziembowski, Undergraduate Faculty Advisor, Physics


Dr. Edward Letzter, Chair, Mathematics

Dr. Boris Datskovsky, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Mathematics


The interdisciplinary program is jointly administered by the departments of Mathematics and Physics. For further discussion of the Interdisciplinary major requirements, please see Mathematics & Physics in this Bulletin.

Five-Year Master's Program


The Combined B.A. or B.S./M.A. Program

To participate in this five-year program, a mathematics major should be enrolled in either the B.A. or the B.S. program. Application to continue in the M.A. program must be made to the graduate chair of the department no later than the first semester of the senior year. To be accepted by the M.A. program, a student must have a GPA of at least 3.25 in Mathematics courses when the application is made.  Bachelor of Arts students must complete Math 3141, Math 3142 and Math 4051 in place of Math 3137 and Math 3138, also B.A. students must complete Math 3098 and Math 3101 in place of Math 3096 in order to be considered for admission to the Master's program.  In addition to completing the B.A. or B.S. requirements, the student must complete four additional graduate-level mathematics courses numbered 5000 and above by the end of her/his senior year. If the Core and College requirements have also been met, the student will be awarded the B.A. or B.S. degree at the conclusion of this portion of the program. All courses must be passed with a grade of C- or better, and no more than two graduate courses can carry a grade less than B- for the student to continue with the M.A. portion of the program.


Fifth-Year Course Requirements

The student will take a total of six graduate-level courses, selected to conform to the M.A. requirements. At the end of the fifth year, the student must either write a master's thesis or pass one of the following examinations:

  • Master's Comprehensive Examination in Pure Mathematics
  • Master's Comprehensive Examination in Applied Mathematics
  • Ph.D. Combined Comprehensive Examination (M.A. level pass)
    For further details on the M.A. degree requirement see the Graduate Bulletin.


Five-Year Master’s/Secondary Education Certification Program

This is a combined program between the College of Science and Technology and the College of Education.  For more information, see the following web site:www.temple.edu/bulletin/Academic_programs/schools_colleges/ed/intro/generalinfo/ed_generalinfo.shtm#teacher

Minor Requirements

  • Three semesters of calculus (Math 1041, Math 1042, and Math 2043).
  • Linear algebra (Math 2101)
  • Four additional mathematics courses numbered 3000 or above, or Math 2196 and three mathematics courses numbered 3000 or above. (Math 2196 must be taken prior to Math 3098 or Math 3141.)


Calculation of Major GPA

The list of courses that are used to calculate major GPA is determined by the department. Students should consult with their academic advising unit for the applicable courses. In general, courses that could not apply toward the major as an elective or a required course are not counted for the major GPA. This would include Math 1022, for example.

Distinction in Mathematics

To graduate with Distinction in Mathematics a student should meet the following requirements:

1. All requirements for the B.A. or B.S. degree in Mathematics must be met with a GPA of at least 3.50 in the Mathematics courses.
2. At the time of graduation, the student's overall GPA, including all college-level courses, must be at least 3.25.

3. Bachelor of Arts students and students enrolled in TUteach - Mathematics Program must complete Math 3141, Math 3142 and Math 4051 instead of Math 3137 and Math 3138, as well as Math 3098 and Math 3101 instead of Math 3096 in order to qualify for a Distinction in Major.
4. A student must either have a GPA of 3.50 or higher in the following courses: Math 3141, Math 3142, Math 3098, Math 3101, Math 4051 and any other 4000-level course other than individual study, or a student must complete a graduate math course 5000-level or higher with a grade of B or better.

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