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Science & Technology

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ProgramS Of Study

Applied Mathematics
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Biology with Teaching
B.S., Biochemistry
B.S., Biophysics
B.S., Neuroscience – Cellular & Molecular
5-Yr Programs
B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Chemistry with Teaching
B.S., Biochemistry
5-Yr Programs
B.A. or B.S./M.A.
B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
Computer Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
Minor, Digital Media Technologies
B.S., Mathematics/Computer Science with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics & Computer Science
5-Yr Programs
B.A. or B.S./M.S. IST
B.S./M.S. CS
Digital Media Technologies
Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Earth & Space Science with Teaching
5-Yr Programs
   B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
Information Science and Technology
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
Minor, Digital Media Technologies
5-Yr Programs
B.A. or B.S./M.S. IST
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Applied Mathematics
B.S., Mathematics/Computer Science with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics with Teaching
B.A., Mathematical Economics
B.S., Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Mathematics & Physics
5-Yr Programs
   B.A. or B.S./M.A.
   B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
Mathematics & Computer Science
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Mathematics/Computer Science with Teaching
Mathematics & Physics
Bachelor of Science
Natural Sciences
Bachelor of Arts
Related Programs
B.S., General Science with Teaching
Neuroscience – Cellular & Molecular
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Related Programs
B.S., Biophysics
B.S., Physics with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics & Physics
5-Yr Programs
   B.A. or B.S./M.A.
   B.A. or B.S./Ed.M.
TUteach Programs
B.S., Biology with Teaching
B.S., Chemistry with Teaching
B.S., Earth & Space Science with Teaching
B.S., General Science with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics with Teaching
B.S., Mathematics/Computer Science with Teaching
B.S., Physics with Teaching
3+N Programs
Physical Therapy

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  Academic Programs / Science & Technology

Information Science & Technology

Dr. Jie Wu, Chair

Ms. Wendy Urban, Faculty Advisor
Wachman Hall, Room 304


The undergraduate programs in Information Science and Technology (IS&T) offered by the Computer and Information Science (CIS) Department are intended to provide students with both a detailed knowledge and a broad background in the technology of information systems. Fundamental concepts in mathematics, programming, object-oriented modeling, databases, software systems analysis and design, computer-operating systems and architectures, and networks and communications are stressed in the first two years.  Special topics, including component-based software development and net-centric and client-server computing, are offered as part of the last two years of the program.  A two-semester capstone project course is required.  This course is designed to help students integrate what they have learned in other courses and apply this knowledge in the design and implementation of a software application. 

Students develop the skills and the knowledge necessary to analyze information problems and to apply current technology to their solution.  The emphasis is to develop problem-solving and communication skills.  Substantial laboratory work is required.  Students participate individually and in groups in the design, development, testing and documentation of information systems for a university or an external client.

Bachelor of Arts


Summary of Requirements for the Degree

1. University Requirements (123 total s.h.)

  • Math 0701 (4 s.h.) and/or English 0701 (4 s.h.), if required by placement testing.
  • All Temple students must take a minimum of two writing intensive courses at Temple at Temple as part of their major.  Following is a list of courses that can be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement:  CIS 4296 and CIS 4396.
  • Students must complete the General Education (GenEd) requirement.
    • The General Education Curriculum consists of approximately 25-26 s.h.  See the General Education section of the Undergraduate Bulletin for the GenEd curriculum.


2. College Requirements

  • 90 credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA).
  • 45 Upper Level (2000+) credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA).
  • Two (2) Upper Level (2000+) Liberal Art courses.
  • Second (2nd) Level of a Foreign Language (1002).

3. Major Requirements for Bachelor of Arts (59 s.h.)

  • Thirteen (13) Computer & Information Science courses are required (47 s.h.): CIS 1001, 1048, 1068, 1166, 2033, 2109, 2168, 2229, 3309, 3329, 4296, 4342 and 4396.
  • One (1) Mathematics course is required (4 s.h.): Mathematics 1041.
  • Two (2) lab science courses are required (8 s.h.): Must select within a Sequence for Lab Science A and Lab Science B.  See the Sequenced Lab Science sheet for the science options.

Suggested Semester by Semester Plan


Year 1 – Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 1001 Introduction to Academics in Computer Science 1  
CIS 1048 Introduction to IS&T 3  
MATH 1041
Calculus I
Honors Calculus I
General Education / Elective Credits     7  
Subtotal     15  
Year 1 – Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 1068 Program Design & Abstraction 4  
CIS 1166 Mathematical Concepts in Computing I 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     7  
Subtotal     15  
Year 2 – Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 2033 Computational Probability & Statistics 4  
CIS 2168 Data Structures 4  
Science   Laboratory Science A 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     3  
Subtotal     15  
Year 2– Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 2109 Database & File Management Systems 4  
CIS 2229 Architecture, Operating Systems & Networking 4  
Science   Laboratory Science B 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     3  
Subtotal     15  
Year 3 – Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 3309 Component-Based Software Design 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     12  
Subtotal     16  
Year 3 – Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 3329 Network Architectures 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     12  
Subtotal     16  
Year 4 – Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 4296 Information Systems Analysis & Design 4 WI
CIS 4342 Networked Application Systems 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     7  
Subtotal     15  
Year 4 – Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 4396 Information Systems Implementation 3 WI
General Education / Elective Credits     13  
Subtotal     16  
Credits in Coursework for B.A. in IS&T 59  
General Education / Elective Credits 64  
Total Credits for B.A. Degree 123  



Bachelor of Science


Summary of Requirements for the Degree

1. University Requirements (123 total s.h.)

  • Math 0701 (4 s.h.) and/or English 0701 (4 s.h.), if required by placement testing.
  • All Temple students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses at Temple as part of their major. Following is a list of courses that can be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement:  CIS 4296 and CIS 4396.
  • Students must complete the General Education (GenEd) requirement.
    • The General Education Curriculum consists of approximately 25-26 s.h.  See the General Education section of the Undergraduate Bulletin for the GenEd curriculum.

2. College Requirements

  • 90 credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA).
  • 45 Upper Level (2000+) credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA).

3. Major Requirements for Bachelor of Science (70-74 s.h.)

  • Thirteen (13) Computer & Information Science courses are required (47 s.h.): CIS 1001, 1048, 1068, 1166, 2033, 2109, 2168, 2229, 3309, 3329, 4296, 4342 and 4396.
  • One (1) Mathematics course is required (4 s.h.): Mathematics 1041.
  • Four (4) Information Science & Technology (IS&T) related electives are required. Select electives from the following list (12-16 s.h.): CIS 2107, 2305, 3281^, 3374, 4282^, 4308, 4329, 4340, 4344, 4350, 4362, 4372, 4376, 4378, or 4382^.
    • Students may also select other 3000-level CIS courses for which they meet the prerequisites as long as that course is not already used for the IS&T degree.
    • No more than two courses that do not have formal classes and a text, such as Independent Study, Directed Study, and co-op may be used to satisfy the elective requirement. In addition, the co-op course may only be taken once.
    • Students with senior standing and a minimum overall 3.25 GPA may also request permission from both the IS&T advisor and course instructor to use any of the following as an elective: CIS 5105, 5107, 5108, 8108, and 8110.
    • Students may also request permission of the IS&T Faculty Advisor to take a non-CIS upper division (3000-4000) course that contains a strong technology component. No more than two such courses may be used in this manner. All prerequisites for such courses must be satisfied. Submission of a course syllabus and approval of the IS&T Faculty Advisor are required.
  • Two (2) lab science courses are required (8 s.h.): Must select within a Sequence for Lab Science A and Lab Science B.  See the Sequenced Lab Science sheet for the science options.

^Note: A maximum of two courses may be taken from CIS 3281, CIS 4282, and CIS 4382. CIS 3281 may be taken twice within this two-course maximum.

Suggested Semester by Semester Plan


Year 1 – Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 1001 Introduction to Academics in Computer Science 1  
CIS 1048 Introduction to IS&T 3  
MATH 1041
Calculus I
Honors Calculus I
General Education / Elective Credits     7  
Subtotal     15  
Year 1 – Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 1068 Program Design & Abstraction 4  
CIS 1166 Mathematical Concepts in Computing I 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     7  
Subtotal     15  
Year 2 – Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 2033 Computational Probability & Statistics 4  
CIS 2168 Data Structures 4  
Science   Laboratory Science A 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     4  
Subtotal     16  
Year 2– Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 2109 Database & File Management Systems 4  
CIS 2229 Architecture, Operating Systems & Networking 4  
Science   Laboratory Science B 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     3  
Subtotal     15  
Year 3 – Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 3309 Component-Based Software Design 4  
CIS   IS&T Elective* 3-4  
General Education / Elective Credits     8-9  
Subtotal     16  
Year 3 – Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 3329 Network Architectures 4  
CIS   IS&T Elective* 3-4  
General Education / Elective Credits     7-8  
Subtotal     15  
Year 4 – Fall Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 4296 Information Systems Analysis & Design 4 WI
CIS 4342 Networked Application Systems 4  
General Education / Elective Credits     8  
Subtotal     16  
Year 4 – Spring Semester
Subject Course # Course Title Hours Attribute
CIS 4396 Information Systems Implementation 3 WI
CIS   IS&T Elective* 3-4  
CIS   IS&T Elective* 3-4  
General Education / Elective Credits     4-6  
Subtotal     15  
Credits in Coursework for B.S. in IS&T  71-75  
General Education / Elective Credits 48-52  
Total Credits for B.S. Degree 123  


*IS&T elective courses are:  CIS 3281^, CIS 4282^, CIS 4308, CIS 4340, CIS 4344, CIS 4350, CIS 4362, CIS 4372, CIS 4376, CIS 4378, CIS 4382^ and SCTC 4321.  Other courses may be selected from any department at Temple University at the 3000-level or above that are IS&T-related and have been approved by the faculty advisor in advance.

^Note: A maximum of two courses may be taken from CIS 3281, CIS 4282, and CIS 4382. CIS 3281 may be taken twice within this two-course maximum.


Information Science & Technology Minor Requirements

Students desiring a minor in Information Science and Technology are required to satisfy the following:

  • CIS 1001 (Introduction to Academics in Computer Science)
  • CIS 1048 (Introduction to IS&T)
  • CIS 1068 (Program Design & Abstraction)
  • CIS 2109 (Database & File Management Systems)
  • CIS 2168 (Data Structures) OR CIS 2229 (Architecture, Operating Systems & Networking)
  • IS&T related elective from any department at the 3000-level or above, chosen in consultation with the faculty advisor since prior permission is required.


Five-Year Master's Program

Five-Year B.A. or B.S./M.S.

Information Science & Technology majors at the beginning of their junior year may apply for admission to the fifth-year M.S. Program. Upon admission to the program and satisfactory completion of the program requirements, the student is assured of having a master's degree at the end of the fifth year. Interested students should contact their advisor for details.


Calculation of Major GPA

The list of courses that are used to calculate major GPA is determined by the department. Students should consult with their academic advising unit for the applicable courses. In general, courses that could not apply toward the major as an elective or a required course are not counted for the major GPA. This would include CIS 1056, for example.


Distinction in Major

To graduate with Distinction in Major, students are required to have a 3.50 or higher grade point average (GPA) both in the major and overall, as well as be recommended by the department of Computer & Information Science.


Minor in Digital Media Technologies

For more information about this minor, contact:

Dr. Justin Y. Shi, Advisor

Wachman Hall, room 1036



Dr. Patrick Murphy, Advisor

Annenberg hall, room 205



The Digital Media Technologies Minor is a 21-23 semester hour interdisciplinary minor offered through the Department of Media Studies and Production (MSP) within the School of Media and Communication and the Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) Department within the College of Science and Technology. It is designed to expand students' knowledge of the information age and to empower them to understand how to communicate using emerging media and computer technologies. The ability to tell stories through emerging digital media technologies will be critically and analytically explored as students examine the science of those technologies. The algorithms of communicating via emergent technologies will be at the core of this minor. This program addresses serious gaps in the current curriculum because current students of media have little understanding of the science of digital media and fast evolving interactive web-based information sharing technologies.

The minor is available to undergraduate students in Media Studies and Production, Computer & Information Science, as well as other departments and colleges. Upon completion of the minor, students should be able to demonstrate the following competencies:

  1. Utilization of the hardware, software and technologies for integrating content for computers, the Internet, and mobile devices;
  2. Critical analysis of decisions made regarding the use of technology specifically in the social and ethical arenas;
  3. Understand the impact of current and emerging technologies locally and globally;
  4. Design and implementation of content for various media digitally;
  5. Ability to evaluate the science of technology as it impacts communications;
  6. Develop and refine presentation, analytical, problem solving and writing skills.

Transfer credits are not accepted for credit for the minor.

Students must receive the permission of their advisor before starting in this program. Minor credit is not given for BTMM grades below C. Students must maintain at least a 2.00 grade point average in the program for successful completion of the minor. Students with averages under 2.00 for more than two semesters will be dropped from the program. Students with averages under 2.00 may not begin the program.

Requirements for the minor in Digital Media Technologies are as follows:


Required (14 credits)
Subject Course # Course Title Hours
BTMM 1701 Introduction to Media Technology 3
CIS 1052 Introduction to Web Technology and Programming 4
CIS 1056 Advanced Web Technology and Programming 4
BTMM 2741 Introduction to Internet Studies and Web Authoring 3
Electives: Select Two (7 credits)*
Subject Course # Course Title Hours
BTMM 4741 Cybermedia Workshop 4
BTMM 4221 Information Technology Policy 3
BTMM 4252 Law and Ethics of Digital Media 4
BTMM 4541 Mobile Media 3
BTMM 4614 Creating a Media Business 4
CIS 2000+ CIS 2000+ level course * 3-4
Total     21-23


*Other requirements:

  • For MSP students, at least one (1) CIS elective is required.
  • For CIS students, at least one (1) BTMM elective is required.
  • For students of other backgrounds, at least one (1) BTMM and one (1) CIS elective are required.
  • All prerequisites must be completed or permission by instructor received to enroll in minor courses.
  • Example CIS Elective: CIS 2305 (Mobile Computing Technologies). This course accepts CIS 1052-1056 sequence as prerequisites.
  • Permitted Substitute Elective: Biology 3333
  • For students taking the Digital Media Technologies minor, 5 courses applied toward completion of minor requirements must be distinct from the major requirements. As such, additional electives will be accepted in place of courses that are listed for both the major and the minor. For MSP majors taking this minor, BTMM 2701 or 2751 will be accepted in place of the required BTMM 1701.
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