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Athletic PoliciesAcademic Eligibility Initial and continuing academic eligibility requirements for student-athletes relative to NCAA guidelines are stated below. Student-athletes participating in the sports of baseball and/or football may have additional academic requirements regarding eligibility for competition. Please direct questions regarding academic/athletic eligibility to the Athletics Certifying Officer at 215-204-2507. 1. Temple University is a member of the NCAA Division I-A level of competition. This division of the NCAA requires all student-athletes first entering college to enroll and be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center. 2. Student-athletes must be registered and attending a minimum of 12 semester hours. They may not withdraw from courses that would put them below 12 semester hours without prior approval from the Athletic Academic Advisor or Athletics Certifying Officer. 3. Student-athletes must pass 6 credits each semester, 18 credits each academic year, accumulate 24 credit hours, and maintain a 1.8 cumulative grade point average after their first two full-time semesters of attendance. 4. Student-athletes must officially declare a major prior to the beginning of their fifth semester of full-time enrollment of college. In addition, the student-athlete must have completed at least 40% of the declared major and maintain a 1.9 cumulative grade point average before the first date of competition. 5. Student-athletes are required to complete 60% of their declared major and maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average before the first date of competition of their seventh semester. Student-athletes entering their ninth semester of full-time enrollment will need to meet 80% of a declared major and maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average. 6. Student-athletes must remain in "Good Standing" each semester as determined by Temple University. 7. Transfer student-athletes from two-year institutions may need to graduate with an Associate's degree before entering Temple University for immediate consideration for practice/"try-out" opportunity. 8. Initial and Transfer student-athletes are also bound by a 5-year clock that begins at the time of first full-time enrollment at any institution of higher education. Athletic Eligibility The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is committed to practices, procedures and policies that are designed to assure proper emphasis on educational objectives, to promote competitive equity among institutions and to prevent the exploitation of student-athletes. Eligibility to represent Temple University in intercollegiate competition as a varsity athlete is a privilege and not a right. Additionally, Division I athletic eligibility standards are more rigorous than other divisions. Factors which constitute athletic eligibility include, but may not be limited to:
AttendanceSee Attendance in the Student Responsibilities section of the Bulletin. AuditThere may be circumstances under which a student will wish to audit a course, i.e., participate in the class without earning academic credit, credit hours, or grades. The student must have written permission of the instructor and of the dean of the college on a special approval form. Full tuition is charged, and standard payment procedures apply. Change of registration from credit to audit, or from audit to credit, may be processed only during the following periods:
Code of ConductThe Temple University Student Code of Conduct can be viewed at http://policies.temple.edu/getdoc.asp?policy_no=03.70.12. Printed copies are available at the Dean of Students’ Office. Other information about the Student Code of Conduct may also be found in the Responsibilities and Rights section of this Bulletin. Course Numbering SystemEffective first summer session 2007, Temple University began using a new course numbering system. Specific details about the course numbering system as well as a course number search tool can be found at http://renumbering.temple.edu. All courses have full four-digit numbers. The first digit of a course identifies its level.
Courses numbered 2000 - 5999 are considered "upper level" for undergraduates.
Other classifications and definitions for undergraduate courses:
For more specific policies, consult individual schools, colleges, or programs. Courses Inapplicable to GraduationSemester hours earned in some courses are excluded from the total minimum semester hours or earned credit hours required for graduation from some schools and colleges. While policies vary among schools and colleges, courses inapplicable to graduation requirements generally are ELECT, Mathematics 0015 (formerly Mathematics 0001), Russell Conwell Center courses, and lower-level Military Science (ROTC) courses. For specific information, see Policies and Regulations: Courses Inapplicable to Graduation in each school and college's section in this Bulletin, or consult academic advisors. Courses Over Ten Years OldIn admitting transfer or returning students, the university will, when possible, allow credit for courses taken ten or more years prior to the date of admission or re-enrollment. However, academic units may choose not to accept courses regardless of age for credit in the major. Courses of a technical nature or courses in a particularly dynamic field may not be accepted for credit. Final determination of the acceptability of such sources is the responsibility of academic units in the schools and colleges and generally occurs after the student has matriculated or been re-enrolled. Credit/No Credit CoursesEligible students may want to take a course in an area in which they are not proficient or about which they are curious, while not risking their grade point average. Such students, with certain provisions, may be graded using the Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) grading option. Students may select the CR/NC grading option or return to the traditional grading option only during the first two weeks of a fall or spring semester course and during the first three days of a first or second summer session course, with the written authorization of their advisor and dean. Eligibility is limited to:
Courses are restricted to:
No grade points are assigned to either the CR or NC grade. CR is equivalent to grades of D- or higher. NC is equivalent to F. The semester hours earned are credited toward the total required for graduation. Because CR and NC yield no grade points, they are not included in divisor hours for calculating the grade point average. CR and NC are not included in calculating cumulative credits for determining academic actions specified in the Undergraduate Policy on Academic Standing. Credit for Prior learningTemple University awards limited academic credit and course placement to students based on previous academic, employment, military and/or other learning experiences not earned in a traditional classroom setting. Credit for Prior Learning (formerly Non-Traditional Credit) may be earned through courses approved for transfer from other institutions, Advanced Placement Tests, International Baccalaureate Exams, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST), military experience, and prior work or life experience (portfolio). Limitations on credit earned through Credit for Prior Learning are as follows: (1) the credit must be useful in a student's program of study; (2) duplicate credit in the same course is not awarded in any case; (3) credit is only awarded in academic subjects with a corresponding Temple department. Credit for Prior Learning will not be awarded for a course in which a student is currently enrolled and/or have previously received a letter grade for the course (including, but not limited to, an F, W, AU, or I). Official transcripts for courses from other institutions, military transcripts and official score reports should be sent directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. The Undergraduate Admissions office determines which credits will transfer to the University (See Admissions: Transfer Credit), whereas the academic unit to which the student has been admitted determines how credits will be used to fulfill degree requirements in a student's program of study. Evaluation of Credit for Prior Learning is based on a student's major; transfer evaluations may change for students who change majors. If Credit for Prior Learning is awarded, a student's university record will carry notation of credit, but no grade will be recorded. Credit awarded will not affect a student's grade point average at Temple University. Credits are expressed in semester hours. Courses evaluated for transfer from colleges and universities with different credit systems (quarter hours, units) are converted to semester hours (i.e., 2 quarter hour credits are equivalent to 1.5 semester hour credits; 3 quarter hour credits are equivalent to 2.0 semester hour credits; 4 quarter hour credits are equivalent to 2.5 semester hour credits). Credit for Prior Learning does not apply to the minimum number of credits (60) required to earn Latin Honors at graduation. Credit for Prior Learning credits are not counted toward Academic Residency. Credit for Prior Learning can be counted toward eligibility for the 45+ Transfer GenEd. See General Education Curriculum: GenEd Transfer Programs for more information. A student seeking credit for CLEP or prior work or life experience should discuss options with their academic advising unit in their first year of matriculation at Temple. The student is responsible for any fees related to the assessment and posting of these Prior Learning credits. Colleges and Schools may have limitations on the type and number of Prior Learning credits that can be applied to a degree. Please see link in each category for additional school and college specific details. Advanced Placement Tests Temple awards college credits to students who in high school participated in the Advanced Placement program sponsored by the College Examination Board as based on the score and the exam subject. For a detailed listing of AP equivalencies, required scores, and School or College specific details, see www.temple.edu/vpus/transfer/CPL.htm#AP. Students should have taken these tests in high school and should have their scores sent directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. AP credits will not be taken from college transcripts. Transfer students must request Educational Testing Services to send their official Advanced Placement Test scores to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Advanced Placement equivalencies will be reviewed periodically and are subject to change. Students will receive the equivalency that is in effect at Temple at the time of their matriculation. International Baccalaureate Temple awards college credits to students who in high school participated in the International Baccalaureate Program. Credit is awarded based on the score and the exam subject. For a detailed listing of IB equivalencies, required scores, and School or College specific details, see www.temple.edu/vpus/transfer/CPL.htm#IB. Additionally, students who have earned the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma and meet minimum eligibility requirements complete the International Baccalaureate General Education Program (IB GenEd Program) in place of the Full GenEd requirements. See www.temple.edu/vpus/transfer/TransferGenEd.htm#ibgened for details. Students should have taken these tests in high school and should have their scores sent directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions; IB credits will not be taken from college transcripts. Transfer students must request a copy of their official International Baccalaureate exam scores be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) CLEP provides a mechanism for students to meet the requirements of a class through examination. Temple recognizes students' prior learning by accepting the CLEP tests indicated in the CLEP equivalencies chart. For a detailed listing of CLEP equivalencies, required scores, and School or College specific details, see www.temple.edu/vpus/transfer/CPL.htm#CLEP. All literature, history, and political science examinations require an essay in order to receive credit at Temple. Students planning to take CLEP tests are urged to do so no later than the semester before they expect to graduate. Information about test dates, fees, and the application process may be obtained from the Measurement and Research Center, 12th Floor, Carnell Hall, Main Campus, 215-204-8611. Transfer students can earn credit through prior CLEP exams if their scores meet the Temple credit-granting standards. They should have their CLEP scores sent directly to their academic advising center. If that college approves the granting of CLEP credit, it is posted to the student's record by the Office of the University Registrar. DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) DSST exams provide a mechanism for students to meet the requirements of a class through examination. Temple recognizes students' prior learning by accepting the DSST exams completed prior to matriculation according to the ACE (American Council on Education) guide recommendations. For credit to be awarded, the credit must be useful in a student's program of study. Credit is only awarded in the academic subjects with a corresponding Temple department. For school or college specific details, see www.temple.edu/vpus/transfer/CPL.htm#DANTES. Military Experience Temple awards college credit for documented military experience according to the ACE (American Council on Education) guide recommendations. Examples of acceptable documentation for military experience include, but are not limited to: AARTS (Army/ACE Registry Transcript System), SMART (Sailor/Marine/ACE Registry Transcript), or Community College of the Air Force Transcript. For credit to be awarded, the credit must be useful in a student's program of study. Credit is only awarded in the academic subjects with a corresponding Temple department. Colleges and schools may have limitations on the type and number of Military Experience credits that can be applied to a degree. For school or college specific details, see www.temple.edu/vpus/transfer/CPL.htm#MilExp. Assessment of Prior Learning Outside of the Academic Classroom Decisions to assess prior learning experiences outside of the academic classroom are made by the individual schools and colleges. An evaluation of work experience for a specific subject area may be based on the submission of papers, presentation of a portfolio of completed work, and/or a demonstration of acquired skills. Credit so granted is based on a faculty evaluation of the respective learning experiences in terms of their identified relationship to the knowledge and skills required, either in the pursuit of educational programs in the college or in the performance of tasks related to the substance of study. Semester hours credited toward the minimum number for a degree are always granted relevant to a specific program. If students change their programs of study, semester hours credited toward an earlier program of study may not be recognized in the new program. Credit for relevant prior learning outside of the academic classroom, if approved, will be posted only after the completion of a minimum of 30 credits of formal coursework at the university. Approval of relevant prior learning credit must be in writing over the signature of at least one sponsoring faculty member, the appropriate department or committee chairperson, and the dean of the college that is granting the credit. The total number of semester hours granted through non-traditional means varies according to the individual colleges or programs, and individual colleges or programs may choose not to grant any credit for prior learning outside of the academic classroom. A per-credit fee is charged, regardless of the final outcome. Grades are not assigned for credits earned through prior learning outside of the academic classroom. Each college engaged in the assessment of academic and work experiences determines its own procedures for review and testing; students should contact the appropriate advising office for information about the procedures for assessment. For school or college specific details, see www.temple.edu/vpus/transfer/CPL.htm#PWEx.
Dean's ListDean's List eligibility is determined by the semester grade point average (GPA) corresponding to cut-off points that will yield the top 16% of GPAs based on the five previous fall and spring semesters for each school or college. Students must have 12 graded credits (A to F grades) in order to be eligible for dean's list for the fall or the spring semesters. Students who begin in the fall as part-time (i.e., registered for fewer than 12 credits) and continue as part-time in the spring will be eligible for dean's list in the spring if they accumulate at least 12 graded credits (A to F grades) over the fall and spring semesters and meet the GPA criteria listed on the chart for the school or college. If a student is enrolled part-time in the fall but full-time in the spring, eligibility for dean's list will be based on spring semester grades. For fall 2011 and spring 2012, the cut-offs for dean's list eligibility are:
Declaration of MajorStudents admitted to Temple for fall 2002 and after must be enrolled as a major in a degree-granting program in a school or college by the time they have completed 60 credits, including any credits transferred from another institution. Students admitted to Temple with 60 or more transfer credits will be matriculated directly into a degree-granting program, rather than as “undeclared” in a school or college or the Division of University Studies. Students declare a major either by completing their school’s or college’s declaration of major process (see specific school or college section in this Bulletin) or by completing an intra-university transfer to another Temple school or college (see the policy on Transfer between Colleges within the University). Individual schools and colleges may require students to declare a major earlier than 60 credits. Students should consult the policies and regulations of their own school/college for any additional guidelines regarding declaration of major. Disciplinary ActionThe Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, located in Room 318 in the Howard Gittis Student Center, is responsible for administering the Student Conduct Code. Violations of the university's Conduct Code, including among other things, stealing, cheating, disorderly conduct, plagiarism, and illegal possession/use of alcohol and other drugs, may result in a student being brought before one of the Student Conduct Boards, as outlined in the Student Conduct Code. Student Conduct and Community Standards facilitates the student conduct process striving to create a campus environment conducive to learning. The process is designed to help students realize their role in maintaining campus civility through educational programming and sanctioning as well as through the participants on the student conduct boards. The Student Conduct Code can be found online at the Temple University’s Policies web site: http://policies.temple.edu/getdoc.asp?policy_no=03.70.12. Double Major Across CollegesA student who meets the major requirements of two departments may declare, and have recorded on his or her transcript, a double major. Students who graduate with a double major across two colleges are required to complete all university requirements (General Education) and the requirements of both majors (including two Writing Intensive courses for each major), but only one set of college graduation requirements. The student must obtain prior approval from both schools or colleges. One department must be declared the primary department for the purpose of registration and college graduation requirements. (Students considering a double major across colleges should ask academic advisors in both colleges about college policies related to choosing the primary department.) Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)For information on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, see the FERPA text in the Responsibilities & Rights section in this Bulletin. Final ExaminationsUniversity policies require that final examinations be given only during the university-approved final examination days as noted on the academic calendar, which is available at www.temple.edu/registrar. For day classes on Main and Ambler campuses, a detailed examination schedule, by day and time, is available at www.temple.edu/registrar; this information is also circulated at the beginning of each semester. Final examinations for evening classes on Main and Ambler campuses, TUCC classes, and Health Sciences Center classes are given at the regular class time during final examination week. For both day and evening Ambler classes, a detailed examination schedule, by day and time, is circulated to the faculty and posted to the Ambler web site at www.temple.edu/ambler/ac_services/registration.htm. Some courses have common final examination times. (Consult the registrar's final examination schedule for a complete list.) Instructors are encouraged to make individual accommodations with students who have more than two (2) examinations scheduled on one day. |
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