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2008 - 2009 Site Archive




Earth and Environmental Science (formerly Geology)

Note:Unless otherwise noted, all prerequisite courses must be passed with a grade of C- or higher.

5402. X-ray Crystallography  (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Geology 2011-2012 or equivalent.

Generation and use of x-rays for diffraction analysis; Analysis of clays and related minerals by x-ray diffraction; Crystal structure patterns and biogeofunctional groups.

5454. Introduction To Geophysics   (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: One year each of physics and calculus.

An introduction to gravity, magnetic, electromagnetic, and seismic exploration methods. Applications include environmental characterization, oil and mineral exploration, geotechnical engineering, and archeology.

5461.Low-Temperature Geochemistry   (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: inorganic chemistry, mineralogy or permission of instructor.

Principles of aqueous geochemistry discussed within the framework of geologic processes. One or two field trips.

5462. Advanced Low-Temperature Geochemistry (4 s.h.)

Study and discussion of topics in aqueous and sedimentary geochemistry.

5725. Soils + Paleosols (4 s.h.)

The course is divided into two parts:  modern soils and paleosols.  The goals of this course are to teach students the fundamentals of modern soil genesis and classification in order to interpret ancient soils preserved in the rock record (paleosols), and to incorporate models of soil genesis into the traditional geology paradigm.  Students will be exposed to a combination of laboratory methods and field work.

5802. Tectonics   (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Geology 3001-4001 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.

Plate tectonic theory. Structure and geometry of lithospheric plates; mechanisms of divergent, transform and convergent boundaries; subduction; obduction; mantle plumes; large igneous provinces; large sedimentary basins and Phanerozoic orogenic belts.

8000. Geology Seminar   (1 s.h.)

Required of M.A. students. Visiting specialists in a wide variety of geologic fields will lecture and discuss their research.

8082. Independent Study Program   (1-3 s.h.)

Limited to Geology graduate students with permission from the department.

8411. Advanced Hydrogeology   (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Geology 2021-2022 and Geology 3001-4001 or permission of instructor.

This course covers water resources with an emphasis on groundwater. Topics include quantifying groundwater flow, groundwater-surface water interactions, contaminant transport, and a brief introduction to modeling. Problem sets and labs are used to develop specific skills, including field techniques.

8421. Groundwater Modeling   (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

This course offers students a chance to construct models using well known codes such as MODFLOW and other practical tools. The goals of this course are: learn tools for groundwater flow modeling, be able to recognize how to judge models and compare them with reality, and gain computer skills that can be used with a wide variety tools.

8601. Stratigraphic Dynamics   (3 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Geology 2021-2022 or equivalent.

Rates and patterns of sediment accumulation; temporal significance of various stratigraphic units and implications for reconstruction of paleoecosystems.  Classroom/lab and field components.

8701. High Temperature Reactions   (4 s.h.)

Prerequisite: Geology 3001 or equivalent.

Thermodynamic laws and theory are used to discuss igneous and metamorphic processes. Exact field relationships are combined with thermodynamics to solve applied petrologic problems.

8706. Regional Geology   (3 s.h.)

Discussion of the geologic history and tectonics of selected regions.

8711. Econ Geol Ore Deposits (3 s.h.)

Study of the geology, origin, distribution, economics and extraction methods of major classes of ore deposits.

8911. Teaching of Geology (3 s.h.)

Required of all teaching assistants in their first semester of teaching. Instruction and evaluation of teaching laboratory, or discussion sections.

9996. Master's Research and Thesis   (1-6 s.h.)

The research topic and plan must be approved by the graduate adviser and the instructor who is to supervise the thesis, at least two months before the research is to begin.