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2010 - 2011 Site Archive




Dissertation and Thesis

Dissertation and Thesis Handbook

Preparing a dissertation or thesis manuscript is a time-consuming but rewarding experience.  To guide you through manuscript preparation and to help you create a uniform and visually clear document, the Graduate School has developed the Dissertation and Thesis Handbook.


Before you begin assembling your manuscript, review the Dissertation and Thesis Handbook.  You should also refer to the handbook frequently throughout the process.  If questions arise while you are working on your dissertation or thesis, contact the Graduate School at 215-204-1380.


Style Manual

An important step in manuscript preparation is choosing a department-approved manuscript style manual.  The Dissertation and Thesis Handbook is NOT a style manual.  Style manuals are available for purchase at major bookstores.  They constitute an essential reference tool when writing a thesis or dissertation.


To determine which style is appropriate for your discipline, you should consult with your advisor.  Approved style guides can be found listed in the appendix to the Dissertation and Thesis Handbook.  Common manuals include those published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Modern Language Association (MLA), as well as the University of Chicago Style Manual.



The Temple University Office of Computer Services offers workshops throughout the year in using word processing and statistical tools for your thesis or dissertation.  These workshops do not, however, constitute a replacement for the Dissertation and Thesis Handbook or style manuals.  For seminar information, visit seminars.temple.edu or call 215-204-5555.