Undergraduate Bulletin for 1998-99

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College of Allied Health Professions
Course Descriptions


0101. Nursing I (4 s.h.) F
Prerequisite: All pre-professional requirements.
Systems theory applied to the Temple University philosophy of nursing. Theories from the biological, psychological, and social sciences; the dimensions of client systems. The concept of health and the role of the professional nurse related to individual, family, and community systems.

0102. Nursing II (4 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: Nursing 0101, 0111, 0112, W130, 0173, and 0183.
The basis for health care of family and community systems. Theories of development, communication, and learning applied within a framework of systems theory to an understanding of the developing and maturing family. Factors within the environment related to system steady state.

0111. Nutrition (2 s.h.) F
Principles of nutrition: the effects of diet on the health status of individual and community systems. Fundamental concepts of nutrition, i.e., nutrients, function, food sources, needs, and metabolic processes.

0112. Health Assessment (2 s.h.) F
An introduction to health assessment with emphasis on the range of normal findings in the individual system. Theory and practice: the development of skills in obtaining a health history, physical assessment, and a systematic method of recording data. Laboratory included.

0113. Health and Weight Control (2 s.h.)
Open to nonmajors.
Principles of weight control; the development of a behavioral approach to weight management. Basic principles of nutrition as a framework for identification of nonnutritive uses of food. The relationship of food and exercise to successful weight management.

W130/0130. Teaching Strategies (2 s.h.) F
Open to nonmajors.
Theory and practice in teaching strategies for health promotion. Theories of learning as basis for selection of teaching methods. Class plans developed and evaluated through micro-teaching experiences using videotapes.

0173. Nursing Practicum I (2 s.h.)
Corequisite: 0101 and 0183.
Lab equals six hours per week. Learning experiences are provided over the semester through clinical laboratory practicum experiences in a variety of health care facilities. The practicum experience is designed to provide opportunities to practice skills and apply scientific principles to the basic care of the individual client system. Emphasis is placed on assessment skills, concepts of general systems theory, therapeutic interventions, and therapeutic communication skills as a framework for nursing practice.

0174. Nursing Practicum II (4 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: 0101, 0111, 0112, 0130, 0173, & 0183. Corequisite: 0102 and 0184.
Lab equals 12 hours per week. Learning experiences are provided over the semester in a variety of clinical agencies in community and acute care settings. The practicum experience is designed to provide opportunities to practice skills and apply scientific principle to the care of individual family, and community systems. Health assessment skills, principles of nutrition, and theories of teaching and learning are applied in developing a comprehensive approach to the use of the nursing process.

0183. Nursing Process II (3 s.h.)
Corequisite: 0102 and 0174.
Lecture and lab equal four hours per week. Learning opportunities are provided through classroom and nursing learning resource center laboratory experiences to develop beginning skills in the application of the nursing process to the care of clients. Emphasis is placed on use of scientific principles, concepts of general systems theory, critical thinking, therapeutic interventions, and therapeutic communication skills as a framework for nursing practice.

0184. Nursing Process II (3 s.h.)
Corequisite: 0102 and 0174.
Lecture and lab equals four hours per week. Learning experiences are provided over the semester through weekly lectures and learning resource center laboratory experiences. Laboratory exercises are designed to provide opportunities to practice skills and apply scientific principles in preparation for the clinical practicum, using systems theory as a framework for nursing practice. Emphasis is placed on refinement of health assessment skills, applications of principles of nutrition, theories of teaching and learning, and therapeutic communication.

0201. Nursing III (4 s.h.) F
Prerequisite: All Junior Level Required Courses.
An in-depth study of individual clients systems. System steady state and mechanisms for its achievement. Health care systems and the role of the nurse as a change agent for the system.

W202/202. Nursing IV (4 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: Nursing 0201, W250/250, 0272, 0273, 0283.
An in-depth study of the health care delivery system as client. Theories of role, leadership, and organization. Crisis intervention and conflict management as they apply to the nurse's role in the delivery of health care.

W250/250. Research Methods (2 s.h.) F
Prerequisite: All Junior Level Required Courses and Soc. 0201.
Introduction to nursing research. Methods of the research process and research reports. Ethical considerations for the protection of human subjects. A proposal for investigation of a clinical nursing problem is required.

0271. Patho-physiology I (2 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: 0101, 0111, 0112, 0130, 0173, and 0183.
The first of two courses designed to explore alterations in the functioning of human sub-systems. The main purpose of this course is to augment the students' knowledge of scientific principles for nursing care. Physiologic and patho-physiologic mechanisms will be discussed for the following body systems: reproductive, cardiovascular, respiratory, immune/cellular, and skeletal.

0272. Patho-physiology II (2 s.h.) F
The second of two courses designed to explore alterations in the functioning of human subsystems. The main purpose of this course is to augment the student's knowledge of scientific principles for nursing care. Physiologic and patho-physiologic mechanisms will be discussed for the following body subsystems: endocrine, renal, neurosensory, muscular, and gastrointestinal systems.

0273. Nursing Practicum III (4 s.h.) F
Corequisite: 0201 and 0283. Prerequisites: All Junior Level Required Courses.
Lab averages 12 hours per week. Learning experiences are provided over the semester in a variety of clinical agencies in community and acute care settings. The practicum is designed to provide opportunities for students to practice technical skills using scientific principles and to apply nursing theory to solve complex clinical problems. Health assessment skills, therapeutic communication theories, principles of nutrition, and theories of teaching and learning are applied in developing a comprehensive approach to the use of the nursing process.

0274. Nursing Practicum IV (4 s.h.) S
Prerequisites: 0201, W250/250, 0271, 0273, and 0283. Corequisite: 0202 and 0284.
Labs average 15 hours per week. Learning experiences in a variety of health care agencies emphasize the role of the nurse as care giver of clients with complex problems and as a manager of groups of clients in collaboration with other nursing personnel and health care providers.

0283. Nursing Process III (3 s.h.)
Corequisite: 0201 and 0273.
Lecture and lab equal four hours per week. Learning experiences are provided over the semester in weekly lecture and learning resource center laboratory. Laboratory exercises are designed to provide opportunities for students to practice skills in preparation for the clinical practicum. Emphasis is on interaction with groups of clients using theoretical concepts, including those from teaching-learning, therapeutic communication, nutrition, pharmacology, and research.

0284. Nursing Process IV (3 s.h.)
Corequisite: 0202 and 0274.
Lecture and lab equal four hours per week. Learning experiences are provided over the semester in weekly lecture and learning resource center laboratory. Laboratory exercises are designed to provide opportunities for students to practice skills in preparation for the clinical practicum. Emphasis is on interaction with groups of clients using theoretical concepts, including those from teaching- learning, therapeutic communication, nutrition, pharmacology, and research.

0285. Nursing Process V (3 s.h.) F
Corequisite: Nursing 0202. Enrollment limited to RN students. Nursing 0285 and 0286 taken sequentially are together the equivalent of Nursing 0284.
Theories applied in clinical settings. The role of the nurse as a manager of groups of clients in collaboration with other nursing personnel and health care providers.

0286. Nursing Process VI (4 s.h.) S
Prerequisites: Nursing 0202 and 0285. Enrollment limited to RN students. Nursing 0285 and 0286 taken sequentially are the equivalent of Nursing 0284.
Theories applied in clinical settings. The role of the nurse as manager of groups of clients in collaboration with other nursing personnel and health care providers.

0290. Independent Study in Nursing (1-4 s.h.) FS
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and Department Chairperson. Open to nursing majors only.
Individual study of a theoretical or clinical nursing problem or topic. Student-initiated focus under guidance of appropriate faculty.

0291. Professional Issues in Nursing (2 s.h.) S
Prerequisite: All Required Junior Level Nursing Courses.
The historical development of nursing as a framework for understanding the issues within the profession today. Major issues from social, economic, and political perspectives. The role of the professional organization as a vehicle for collective action.

R297 The Peri-operative Nursing System (3 s.h.) SS
Prerequisite: All Required Junior Level Nursing Courses and permission of the instructor.
An elective clinical course which explores the concepts and process of health care delivery for clients in the peri-operative environment, with emphasis on application of the nursing process with those surgical clients requiring significant nursing intervention. Introduces the student to professional nursing in the operating room and post-anesthesia recovery room.

R298. Cultural Diversity in Health Care (2-3 s.h.) S
Open to all students. For Studies in Race credit, students must take the 3 s.h. option.

Cultural concepts, racial misconceptions, health beliefs, values, mores, and religious practices will be examined in relationship to health and health care. Exploration of cultural concepts and diversity within ethnic groups will prepare the student to practice and/or plan health care in a multicultural, multiracial society. Guest lectures, field trips, and special projects will further enhance learning.

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